The Belcan roundabout - or the flag monument as it is also known - may be the busiest intersection in the country. But tonight the eight way intersection is like a heart with 15% blockage - because one of the main arteries has been closed - until next year!
You heard it right, the leg of the roundabout which leads to the Northern Highway has been shut off - and not just for a day - it will be weeks as they cement it.
Sounds like a crazy idea at Christmas time, but the Mayor says it's just got to be done, as part of the plan for the paving of Freetown Road:
Darrell Bradley - Mayor, Belize City Council
"We had already envisioned that we were going to do the roundabout, and about 100 feet unto the Northern Highway. And what we're going to do is that, we're going to remove the crosswalks, because that is a perennial problem in traffic congestion in the morning, and we're going to allow people - we're going to actually compel people to use the overpass, and it's supposed to be an ease in traffic. Actually we're trying to see if we could construct that section of the road, in a certain way where they entire road didn't need to be closed at any given time because there are different ways in which the contractor can actually operate. That work is actually being done by our own City Council staff, and what we are doing in that area is that, we're trying to - as much as is possible - minimize the work, and work as fast as possible to ensure that this thing is finished by New Year's."
Jules Vasquez
"However, it will certainly cause chaos at this time of year."
Darrell Bradley
"Well, I mean of course, our people are trying to see as best as possible, how we could do works that would minimize disruption to traffic. Again, I indicated you that our advisors were looking at ways that they could build the street. For example, they would build half of the street, and still allow traffic to flow on the other half. We will also do works in at least turning one lane of the highway into 2 lanes, and we're trying to, a best as possible, divert traffic along Coney Drive. The information that I received is that what they need to do is that and what they need to do is that they need to ensure, because of the high volume of traffic on that area of road, that it's well to be cured. So, it's not a situation where you could do it and then let it open in terms of sections so. I know that it's a disruption, but it's something that we want to ensure is that this entire project is finished as quickly as possible."
Jules Vasquez
"There's a saying that ambition bites the nails of success. Could this not have waited until after Christmas?"
Darrell Bradley
"Well, we wanted to really finish the project. Actually, we were behind schedule on Freetown Road. Again, our people are out there. We are trying to see how best we can minimize a situation which is an issue. Whenever we construct a street, there is disruption of traffic. And Jules, you don't have to tell me that it's Christmas. It's the busy time. It's a main access. I know all of these issues. We're trying as best as possible to finish the thing as quick as possible, so that we don't disrupt people more than we need to."
Due to the heavy traffic load, the concrete being used in the area is also of a higher grade than the one used on the streets - which is why it also takes longer to put down.