It used to seem like a far-off dream, but the plan to build a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit At The KHMH is taking shape now.
Spearheaded by Kim Simplis-Barrow, the fundraising effort has reached the one million dollar thresh-hold - and today they marked that milestone by signing of the contract for the first phase of the construction works.
We found out more when we stopped in at the signing ceremony:..
Kim Simplis - Barrow - Special Envoy for Women and Children
"I was pleasantly surprised last week when Alan Gobi confirmed that he has reached his 1 million for the first phase of the pediatric intensive care unit and the reason why we are here today is we are signing and construction should start the beginning of January."
Alan Gobi, Challenge GOBI Foundation
"It was a great task but we have managed to raise a million for phase 1 and it's an ongoing project that will be going for a couple of years until we raised more money to keep it running professional."
Kim Simplis - Barrow
"He has promise a yearly 1 million, so next year we are hoping for a million and the following year we are hoping for another million and 2015 another million hopefully."
Jules Vasquez
"The entire project - what's the quantum for the project?"
Kim Simplis - Barrow
"We are looking at 3-4 million for the entire project."
Construction will commence in January 2013.
Javier Gutierrez, Managing Director of Gutierrez and Associates Architecture, won the bid for the construction of the Unit.
This unit will provide services to critically ill children and babies who presently cannot be treated in country.