And while the GSU and the Special Branch may do the high profile police work, perhaps even more important is the Community Policing Unit. Every year, the build overcomes the Department's Goodwill deficit by giving back to needy sections of the community with Christmas Hampers for deserving families.
7News caught up with them while they were making their rounds on Saturday in Lake Indpedendence, and they told us that due to funding, they've had to cut their donations in half, only reaching out to 60 families.
Here's what one of the coordinators told us about its importance, evena s they fight to keep the effort going:
WCpl Hortence Hernandez - Community Policing
"This is an annual event where Community Policing comes out, and we give food hampers to very needy families. We target familes such as single mothers with children at the back here who are presently unemployed."
Giovannie Brackett
"About how many donations are you distributing this year."
WCpl Hortence Hernandez
"Well, this year, we're doing 60 compact food hampers."
Giovannie Brackett
"I know that it's very tough economic times. Has it been difficult for you to get the business community to contribute. I know that last year, you told me you usually give gifts along with groceries, but this year, you've only been able to give grocers."
WCpl Hortence Hernandez
"Definitely, last year, we gave out a total of 120 food hampers, and this year 60 food hampers, so everything has been cut in half. The same families who received the food hampers could get toys for the children in that house, but this year, we can only afford to give out food hampers without toys. It is based on what we have gathered from the business community, which makes this endeavor possible for us."
The Community Policing Unit also held its annual Children's Party today in the Port Loyola Area...