Referendum Committee Will Start ICJ Campaign |
Wed, January 16, 2013 |
So far, all you've been hearing about the ICJ is from those who oppose it. COLA has adopted a high profile No ICJ campaign and today we saw this flier from a PUP friendly group called the Save Belize Alliance.
So there's all this backlash against the ICJ - but who's for it? Well, there's a Referendum Committee working out of the Ministry of foreign Affairs and that group's formal public education campaign will be launched officially next week.
Referendum Coordinator Stuart Leslie told us the main thing they want to do is to get you to vote:
Stuart Leslie - Referendum Coordinator
"The campaign is going to roll off officially at a launch on January 23, at 10 o'clock in the morning, right here at the Radisson Fort George, which is going to be official launch of the campaign. And like I was saying in our session today, we're looking at educating the voters about the referrendum. We're talking to them about the case for the ICJ, the pros, the cons, and the risk, and we're looking at working at all the different media that we can assist us to get the message out because we want Belizeans to be completely knowledgeable of the process, and off why we should submit this question. We're involving everbody in the process because the most important thing is that we want Belizeans to go out and vote. We're not saying how to vote. We're just saying to go out and vote; this is too important. Our facilitators, the people who are the face of the campaign are giving the pros, the cons, and the risk of going to court, in the end, it is the decision of the Belizean people, whether to submit this question to the court or not, and we respect that decision."