Tourism Figures For December 2012 |
Fri, February 8, 2013 |
Earlier on we told you about the unemployment figures which show an increase between April and September of last year. And while that's the bad news, the good news is that during that same period overnight tourism arrivals were sharply increased.
That's not really a surprise, since we'd been reporting on it all last year - but now, the December figures are in, and they show that the tourism year ended with a bang!
December had the second most arrivals with 23 thousand visitors arriving at the Philip Goldson International. Overnight tourism overall saw a 10.7% increase, that's 26,872 more visitors than in 2011. US Visitors made up 63.7% of this total, while Canadians made up 8.7%.
And while the numbers have been going up and up for overnight tourism, we can't say the same for Cruise Tourist Arrivals; those have been going down from year to year. Those arrivals decreased by another 12% in 2012.