Cattle Soon to Be Exported To Mexico (Legally) |
Fri, February 22, 2013 |
In August of last year, we told you about the cattle sweep that was being conducted. It's a massive effort to develop what's called a biological passport each exportable head of cattle in Belize. That means they are rigorously tested, screened and documented so that they can meet the standards to be legally exported into Mexico. It's a huge undertaking - but after six months, it's almost off the ground. In fact, this morning the first batch of cattle were to be exported form Blue Creek but the truck coming from Mexico never made it. Apparently, the massive cattle truck had a registration problem and Mexican Authorities would not let it pass over. So while the cattle owners in Blue Creek are ready - and even now a little impatient, the first legal exportation of cattle from Belize has had to be re-scheduled for next week. We stress the word "legal", because illegal exportation has been happening for some time. |