The Leader of the Opposition did have more to say about Wil Maheia's Clear the Border campaign which starts tomorrow morning at Jalacte. Fonseca said he's not going to the border with a machete, but he's not quite telling you not to go:..
Jules Vasquez
"Will you be going to Jalacte with your machete tomorrow?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca
"No sir, I will not be."
Jules Vasquez
"Are you in support of those who do?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca
"I think they have a right to be there. I think the government could have and should have handled it better. I think the proper response should have been to say to the persons or group who are going out there, listen, this is a sensitive issue, it is a sensitive matter, and you have to be very cautious and careful in how you approach this matter."
Jules Vasquez
"If Wil Maheia were to ask your advice as a national leader what would you say? Should he clear the border or should he not?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca
"I would have said to him that he has every right to go out there and carry your group and your supporters out there and if it your objective to clear the border, I don't know if that is an objective that can be achieved, but you have every right to do that. I would have cautioned him and I would have advised him to sit down with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to seek their guidance on how best to do it. That doesn't mean that if they say no you don't have to go out there and do it; but seek their guidance as well as seek the guidance of the Ministry of National Security. Obviously they have a lot of experience and expertise in dealing with this matter. That would have been my advice to him - not to say yes or no, but to say listen, get the best proper advice you can get so that you are not putting any of the people who are going along with you at any risk."
Jules Vasquez
"Do you think that is not fault with danger there are dangerous aspects to what he is going to do - an extreme caution should be exercised?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca
"I think certainly caution should be exercised. I agree with that. I listen to the Commander of the BDF speak on the issue`. I think he speaks with a great deal of knowledge and experience in this matter and I think we have to be guided by these people. "
Fonseca said that none of his elected representatives or standard bearers have indicated to him that they will take part.