US Radar Is Mobile, Tactical |
Fri, April 19, 2013 |
What's up with the US Army installed Radar near Chan Chen Village in the Orange Walk District? We mentioned it last night, and since then we've learned it is – according to the internet - a "TPS-75 a mobile, tactical radar system capable of providing radar azimuth, range, height, and Identification Friend or Foe information for a 240-nautical-mile area." The description adds that the radar system is capable of providing long-range radar data to support operations and control of tactical aircraft. It can be assembled and disassembled in 90 minutes.
According to our information it was put up in the area about two months ago by the US Army Southcom when they came to do the New Horizons Project in Belize.
It is located in the area that is known to have the most drug related overflights in the dry season between February and end of May.