Bowen & Bowen Production Lags, Can’t Keep Up With Demand |
Mon, May 6, 2013 |
For weeks, we've been hearing complaints about shortages with Bowen and Bowen products, from soft-drinks in the plastic bottles, to soft drinks in the glass bottles, and now an acute shortage of Crystal water products.
Today, Bowen and Bowen Senior Executive Hilly Martinez confirmed that as regards water products, the company is behind in production and just cannot keep up with market's demand during the hot months of April and May. He says this has led to the rationing of five gallon bottles and the shortage of the pouch bags for 25 cents.
As for the glass bottled soft drinks, he says they had a major breakdown with a machine called the crowner, which puts the aluminum stopper on the bottles. He says they had to order the replacement part form Germany which also caused delays.
As to reports that franchise inspectors from Costa Rica had recently given a bad review of the bottling operations, Martinez said, that's not so. He says his company passed the quality control audit – and their problem right now is just capacity production.
As for the water shortage, he hopes that will be rectified within the next week.