Greg Ch’oc Reported SATIIM Finance Officer |
Thu, May 9, 2013 |
PG Police today confirmed that they are investigating the embezzlement of one hundred thousand dollars from SATIIM, the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management. Police report that 45 year old Greg Ch'oc the Executive Director for SATIIM reported that between January 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013 the former Administrator and Finance Officer forged, deposited and cashed several cheques belonging to SATIM amounting to over $100,000.00bcy. Choc has told us he strictly cannot comment because it is before the courts.
And while police are saying the figure is one hundred thousand dollars, reliable sources tell us that the figure is above two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Which, in any organization, is a staggering amount to have been siphoned off in just 15 months.
At this point, the former staffer has been questioned, but no charges have been brought.