Grace Primary Celebrates Roots In Open Day |
Thu, May 23, 2013 |
This morning, a portion of Amara Avenue in Belize City was locked down because Grace Primary was having an open day fair. Students were encouraged to explore the cultures of their parents and grandparents, while displaying their abilities in entrepreneurship.
7News stopped by and took in some projects that the students came up with, which are authentic and artistic in nature:
Mirna Shepherd - Principal, Grace Primary School
"Well we're having an open day and we decided to do a street fest fashion. When we did the entrepreneurship in early part of the school year we did the street fest and it came off as successful so we thought that we would like to do our open day in this fashion too. We're focusing on the past and the present, we entitled it a 'blast from the past'. We're looking at the whole aspect of entrepreneurship right from infants all the way up to standard 6. We look at how things used to be done in the past to how it is done presently and we look at all different aspect, the business, the home setting, social environment - everything we try to cover. We put a lot of effort into it, first it seemed as something that was not connecting but now that it is out there on the street it seems to have connected."
Brianne - Grace Primary student
"Hello everybody my name is Brianne, welcome to our presentation. We will be depicting how washing was done in old time or should I say 'way back then'."
"This is the first washing machine. First you put in water then your clothes."
"Our group is doing clothes naturally made. First we had to buy cloth and sew them then we stuffed them with sponge then we enforced it with the machine so it wouldn't loose."
Daniel Ortiz
"When you put your head on these pillows - you must have a very good sleep?"
"Yes sir"
Daniel Ortiz
"Are these pillows on sale for today? For how much?"
"Yes Sir, we have different prices - $2.50, $5.00 and $8.00"