Only 6 OAS Member Countries Signed Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance. |
Mon, June 10, 2013 |
Last week, one of the big news items coming out of the 43rd OAS General Assembly was the "Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance." The OAS secretary general explained that it is the first legally binding instrument that condemns discrimination "by reason of nationality, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression"…and many other parameters. But Belize didn't sign it and it abstained from the vote. Now, CARIFLAGS, which is a LBGT Rights advocacy organization in the Caribbean has criticized a number of Caribbean countries for with-holding support at the last minute. But, it wasn't only Caribbean Countries holding out. A release from the OAS says that of the 35 member countries, only six.
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Uruguay signed unto it. They are described as the "first signatories" as other countries will be encouraged to sign on in coming years.