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Still No Charges For Noh Mul
Wed, June 26, 2013
For weeks, the nation has been waiting patiently – or impatiently, depending on how you look at it – for someone to be charged in connection with the Noh Mul Mauling which this media house exposed earlier in May.

Since then, that story has picked up coverage internationally, and everyone is looking intently at what the Belize Police Department will do to bring the culprits to justice for it.

Of note, is that Denny Grijalva, the Managing Director of De-Mar's Stone Company - the company which our cameras caught in the act on the Noh Mul site - has come out accepting blame on behalf of his company, and his employees.

Even in the face of that, the case has progressed very slowly, to the point where some quarters have accused the authorities of deliberate foot dragging, since Grijalva is believed to very connected UDP figure associated with Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega.

So Last night, waves went out when Orange Walk Police detained several of Grijalva's employees. Everyone thought that they would finally be seeing charges, especially since DPP Cheryl Lynn Vidal already gave the investigating officer her directives on Friday.

Well, not so, as we found out after camping out the whole day in Orange Walk. Those charges did not come, and 7News understands that it is due to the fact that the lead investigator is caught up in a court case, for which he is currently testifying.

We'll keep following closely, because we've been informed that charges are imminent.

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