Hon. Julius Proposes; PM Disposes |
Thu, August 1, 2013 |
Yesterday, 7News told you about the motion which PUP's Julius Espat wants to get tabled at next House meeting in relation to the Public Accounts Committee.
Espat, as the P-A-C Chairman, wants to change the configuration of the committee which currently has 4 members of Government and 2 members from the Opposition. He wants to see a new configuration where Government gets 2 members, the Opposition gets 2 members, and 3 members should come from the Senate, one from the church, the business community, and the Unions.
According to him, this new configuration of 7 will see the P-A-C function better at looking into expenditure of public funds because both political parties will enjoy lessened influence.
He claimed that he has followed all the necessary steps to get the members motion tabled in the house, but when we spoke to Prime Minister Dean Barrow today, he told us that Espat is very wrong.
According to Barrow, he has seen several procedural errors which Espat made in relation to the Standing Orders, and he intends to make strong objections when the opportunity presents itself.
He added that he is confident that the motion will not be tabled. Espat's aides say he received advice from former house clear Conrad Lewis.