National Football team players Woodrow West and Ian Gaynair have been celebrated nationally and internationally for turning down a cash offer from a match fixer. And now, the Belizean American Community in Los Angeles wants to host them as guests of honour at Independence Day activities in the City of angels where there is a huge Belizean population. It's one more honor for the pair who have become international jet setters. We met them at the airport today:
Ian Gaynair, Being Honoured At Independence Celebrations in LA
"She said that she wanted us to be a special guest at the Hollywood Park that they usually have every year on the 21st of September. West and I was okay with that. Now everybody feels so happy that we are going out there. It is an honor to represent our country."
Woodrow West, Being Honoured At Independence Celebrations in LA
"It's a good feeling, it's not nervousness. I guess this time it will more easy because we are giving back to our fans. Mostly a lot of Belizeans will be there and we feel proud of our self that they appreciate us here and abroad."
Jules Vasquez
"How many times do you all think back to that memory? I remember you told me that the gentleman threw money after you all. How many times do you all think back to that decision and say 'I am glad the way it work out?'"
Ian Gaynair
"I always think back on that. When it first happen, it's like what I told West that I was sorry to report that because I feel like they just start to interrogate my mind because every minute I have to go into an interview. I hardly could get any rest and now I think it really paid off. First I was saying that I was sorry to it because I think everybody interrogate me about this thing, but at the end of the day it really pays off to be honest and do the right thing and just deal with your life fair."
Woodrow West
"We did the right thing and he and I always question ourselves about it all the time - like 'Yellow, I thought we did the right thing and look at all what are receiving right now and nothing can't beat that. Now we are living large right now. Who would really want to go to LA for a weekend and come back, you know. Everybody is like, you're going for a tryout' and I reply no, I am just going for the weekend and back, and they'd be like 'how you do that' and I say they just invited us to do that. It's a good feeling and we are glad that we didn't take the money and it play a long role."
The pair returns on Monday.