Independence Day in Belmopan was all about the speeches by the two political leaders, Prime Minister Dean Barrow and Opposition Leader Francis Fonseca.
Fonseca spoke to 21 minutes and Barrow spoke for 27 - but, overall the post of Prime Minister - usually has the advantage; he speaks last and can speak about a whole host of government programmes, while the opposition leader can only speak about the general state of things, and he has to do so without getting too political.
So, most of the news coming out of the speech is from the Prime Minister who outlined a major government funded infrastructural push funded by Petrocaribe money:...
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"My Fellow Belizeans, as we start this thirty third year of our Independence our material prospects are exciting to behold. We are embarked on nothing less than the creation of a post-Independence golden age that there will be will be a dramatic second half growth, and that it will surpass the 2% that the National Budget forecasts."
"In a word, it is infrastructure."
"Unprecedented spending on infrastructure has now been made possible by Government's restart of the PetroCaribe arrangement. Thus, work started two weeks ago on the Lake Independence Boulevard connecting the George Price Highway on the Southside of Belize City with Chetumal Street on the Northside. Government will at the same time construct the new bridge over the Belize River, and the total cost of this signature project will be in the region of 25 million dollars."
"Those of you from Belize City when you pass you will see a giant crane in the yard of the old Civic Center. That signals that the dismantling of that old civic center has also commence in preparation for the building of the multi-purpose complex on the same site. The cost is expected to be 30 million dollars for a state of the art structure and this money will be provided solely by the Government of Belize."
And from infrastructure, to more give-aways, this time the write off of old DFC debt which was not being serviced. Here's how the PM explained it:..
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"This is the time to announce what I hope will be an annual feature: an Independence Day gift. As part of its debt relief to Belizeans, Government is arranging to forgive some 6.22 million dollars' worth of DFC loans. These are principally mortgage loans, but also include some in the education and productive sectors. For the most part, the loans have already been foreclosed on by the DFC and the borrowers' collateral seized. But the sale of the collateral was not sufficient to liquidate the debt, and the borrowers were still on the hook for the balance. Government will now step in so that the 361 persons that qualify under the program will no longer be hounded by lawyers and bill collectors for the remainder of what they owe."
The Prime Minioster also discussed the problems in the Chiquibul Forest which we have reported on at length. There are regular incursions from Guatemalan loggers, gold panners and Xateros. The Prime Minister said government is determined to stop it:..
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"We are very much determined to contain, and even reverse, the illegal incursions into the Chiquibul Forest, its National Park, and other areas. These depredations have laid waste far too much of our biosphere, and cannot be allowed to continue. Thus Government is to start immediate construction of three new border monitoring outposts. The locations are to be identified by the BDF in consultation with Friends of Conservation and Development, and the latter will assist as well with implementation. Enough cannot be said in praise of FCD."
And from there the PM moved to the most controversial topic of the day. He spoke about equal rights for gay persons - a comment sure to provoke a firestorm of condemnation from the hard right churches:
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"So what I say next is spoken not in anger or even in sorrow, but merely by way of exhortation. The diversity that we have hymned for so long must not now prove to be an empty trope, so much PR fluff. It must pass this latest test. In particular, we cannot afford for Government and the Churches to be at odds. The filigreed chain that links the two is a proud part of the national ornamentation, and it cannot be allowed to break. Government will therefore fully respect the right of the churches to propagate their understanding of the morality, or immorality, of homosexuality. But what Government cannot do is to shirk its duty to ensure that all citizens, without exception, enjoy the full protection of the law."
"After all, the Belize Constitution that affirms the supremacy of God also affirms fundamental rights and the dignity of the individual human being."
"That same Constitution further declares that all persons are equal before the law and entitled to non-discrimination; to freedom from interference with their privacy; and to freedom from unlawful attacks on their honour and reputation."
"There is, I submit, no logical inconsistency between these different tenets of our Constitution. And Government, the Churches and the Belizean polity must find a way to uphold all the principles of our foundation document."
And from the Prime Minister's remarks to the Leader of the Opposition Francis Fonseca. As we told you, he necessarily had his hands sort of tied behind his back, because neither could he speak about rolling out government's war chest of resources, nor could he be too political. But Fonseca did give a strong speech:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"Governance continues to be characterized by chronic combativeness. We need less confrontation and more dialogue. Less arrogance and more humility. Less personality politics and more problem solving."
"The government's response to the opposition's proposal for reform of the Public Accounts Committee, supported by the National Trade Union Congress and the Chamber of Commerce, regrettably, takes us further away from these objectives."
"The will of the people can be delayed. It shall not be denied."
"The politics of change and participation is here to stay."
"There is also need for urgent and focused action in respect of job creation. Unemployment remains unacceptably high particularly for women and youth."
"Directly linked to unemployment is a failing education system. Some 90% of heads of indigent households possess only a primary school education or less. Less than 50% of our children are completing secondary school and for those who make it to sixth form or university, jobs are difficult to come by."
"The last five and a half years of Belize's governance has been defined by this approach."
"And we are poorer as a nation, both in body and in spirit, for it."
"I could have come here this morning, as I am sure some expected and wanted me to, to attack the UDP government, to talk about the Rosewood scandal, the Noh Mul scandal, the KHMH scandal, the San Estevan road scandal, the ongoing lands ministry scandal, the social investment fund scandal, the immigration scandal, and on and on."
"Indeed that would have been easy and convenient."
"But 32 years after independence, 17 years of PUP and 15 years of UDP, our responsibility is far, far greater than scandal-talk."
"Working together in good faith across Party political lines, we must review the systems and structures we have in place to govern and develop Belize, and where there is need for change, improvement and strengthening, let us get it done."
"On this the 32nd anniversary of Belize's independence let us embrace the politics of change and commit to a new era of governance."
Complete with entertainment and cultural presentations, the event started at 9:00 am and finished at 12:30 pm.