7NEWS has confirmed with senior government sources that DFC Commissioner
Herbert Lord has finished his final report; it was prepared independently of
co-chair of the Commission of Inquiry Merlene Bailey-Martinez. Because the Prime
Minister is on tour we could not confirm whether he has received it, but, according
to our source, that would only be a formality because it is finished and it
is final.
It's a major development because it now cleaves the Commission's work into
two and makes it such there cannot be one official version of what really happened
at the DFC between 1999 and 2005. Every discussion will have to be underpinned
by an asterisk and referenced to one of two reports.
But in his letter of July third to Merlene Bailey-Martinez, Lord warned her
that at 4 meetings between April and June, he requested that they write the
report. He concludes, "I have not received any cooperation from you
on this; I have now taken the opportunity to write my own report." He
tells her, "you may write your own report at a subsequent time and date
submit...as you see fit
Yesterday, Bailey-Martinez wrote back to Lord. 7NEWS has also
obtained a copy of that letter and it states her strong opposition to what she
calls a unilateral submission. She says such a report will negate the work of
the commission, and would be unofficial.
And as for who's to blame, Bailey-Martinez tells Lord that it is he who has
been inaccessible, and accuses him of frustrating efforts to finish the commission's
work in time. In another letter to the Prime Minister, also dated yesterday,
Bailey-Martinez asks him not to accept the Lord report. She says that the work
of the commission ahs been held up by pending interviews with the Novelo brothers
and the Universal Health Service group.
But is it too late for Bailey-Martinez? That's what our senior government sources
say, and next week we'll be able to tell you if the PM has formally noted receipt
of the report.