Young Belizean artists have been recognized for their talent in Taiwan's 44th World Schoolchildren Art Exhibit. Children aged six to fifteen from 53 countries were invited to submit their art pieces. Thirty thousand did that, and one Holy Redeemer Student got a bronze medal while 5 others were recognized with select national awards. Today they were honoured with Certificates and medals at the Holy Redeemer Parish Hall. We found out more:..
H.E. David Wu, Taiwanese Ambassador to Belize
"Last April they sent 12 works of art to Taiwan to participate in the World Children Art Exhibition. Again, this year a very talented Belizean school children won 1 bronze award and 5 selected works. We think this is wonderful because we hope that there are many talented Belizean school children that can have this kind of art work to participate in the international art exhibition."
Tasia Sutherland
"My particular painting is about 3 girls who got into the principal's office for doing something bad. It's about a lot of children that always gets into trouble and they like to wear short clothes."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"Will you continue to paint?"
Tasia Sutherland
"Yes, I will continue to work in the art club."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"Tell us about your particular art that you paint?"
Cameron Rodriguez
"It supposed to be about fruits and vegetables of Belize."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"How did you come about to select that particular art to submit?"
Cameron Rodriguez
"Because I love bananas."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"What inspired you to paint that?"
Camryn Rudon
"What inspired me is I love to draw, I love to paint and I really love art. I put everything I love about art in my drawing. It was a galactic runway - things that I like about fashion and I painted it."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"What is it that you painted for the competition?"
Jude Castellanos
"A creature."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"It is something that you made up? tell me about what you painted?"
Jude Castellanos
"It's made up with a tiger, horse and a unicorn."
Fiona Huang
"Belizean children are very talented especially because this country is a beautiful country. They have seen many beautiful things, people and animals here and that all makes sense to them. I believe that Belizean children could be more creative at the potential of art."
The students will be invited to participate again.