CEO Denies Prison Ruckus |
Mon, November 11, 2013 |
Last night the Quick response team at the prison had to scramble into the Tango 8 building where a prison guard had been attacked. According to reports, the guard was struck by an unruly prisoner whom he was transferring to another area. Fortunately, he was not knocked unconscious and managed to call for back up on his radio. According to prison sources, the QRT mobilized and even had to fire warning shots to quell the ruckus. But, today Prison CEO Earl Jones told us that the event has been highly exaggerated, that nothing of the sort happened; he said the prison was removed for disorderly conduct and they returned him to Tango 8 after a stern talking to. Our reports say he was placed in solitary confinement. Tango 8 is the section that houses the almost 200 prisoners who are under remand. |