Hon. Finnegan Scolds Hon. Espat |
Thu, December 12, 2013 |
And the UDP Party Whip Michael Finnegan, a senior parliamentarian was quick to scold Espat. Now, you might rightly say Finnegan should be the last to scold anyone about house behavior; recently he had to apologize to house members for an off colour remark made to the only female member of the house. But, still, he took the high road today:..
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"There are rules that govern the House. The member has to behave within the scope of the rules that governs the House. If there are not rules, then there would be chaos and that is why the white man put rules into place so that we don't behave in a chaotic atmosphere."
Jules Vasquez
"However, in fairness, you would know well, that you are one of the people who operate under the mic for the whole House Meeting and heckle the other side quite audibly."
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"That is a part of the rule."
Jules Vasquez
"That is not in any rule."
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"That is a part of parliamentary democracy. We are not in a church. When you come to the House of Representatives, you don't come to a church."
And there's more coming from today's house meeting - as we get to the actual legislative business of the meeting, which included passage of the Rape Bill, also known as Amendment 2 to the Criminal Code.