As we told you at the top of the news, 29 year old mother Shaheera Bodden is the first victim of h1n1 in Belize. She died on January sixth, 2014 at the KHMH intensive care unit. At the time, her family thought she died of pneumonia, but now they know it's h1n1. So what symptoms did she present? And is there a public health lesson in it? That's what Monica Bodden asked her grandmother today – she wished to appear off camera, but she told us what she observed about Shahera's illness:..
Voice of: Shahera's Grandmother
"Well, she came home and she was feeling well. That night, she got sick, and got a high fever. We gave her all kinds of medicine, and the fever refused to break; she wasn't feeling better."
Monica Bodden
"So, you guys were treating it as a flu, like a normal flu right?"
Voice of: Shahera's Grandmother
"Yes, she wasn't feeling well. We took her to the hospital in the ambulance, and they held her the whole day. The next evening, they sent her home, and from there she got sick, and she didn't feel better. We did everything we could for her when she came back home."
Monica Bodden
"Were the sympthoms were like a cold, coughing, fever, and so on?"
Voice of: Shahera's Grandmother
"She had a high fever which refused to break. It really shocked me; I couldn't believe that Shahera died. She was a healthy girl."
We are told that Shahera was in the process of planning her wedding. |