In our last segment, 7News told you about the Gang Suppression Unit's bold response to the controversy surrounding the Gino Peck case. Well, they are also making the news tonight for making major drug discoveries.
On Friday morning at around 11:30, the GSU were on an operation, on the Faber's Road Extension. They searched the Dyke area, and found 5 black plastic bags which contained a total of 871 grams - or almost 2 pounds - or marijuana. No one was in the area, and so the drugs, which the GSU believes is the property of a drug peddler from that area, was labelled as found property.
On Saturday afternoon at around 1:30, the GSU were in operation on Linda Vista Street in the Lake Independence area. They searched an abandoned lot and found 233 grams - or 8.2 ounces - of marijuana inside a black plastic bag hidden among some plantain trees. No one was in the area, and so the drugs were labelled as found property. The GSU believes that it belongs to a reputed drug peddler who operates in the area and resides nearby to the abandoned lot.
Yesterday, just before midday the GSU were on an operation in the Conch Shell Bay area, and they searched under a house. They found 8 black plastic bags and 3 transparent plastic bags all containing marijuana to a total of 1.046 kilos - or about 2 pounds and 4 ounces. No one could be linked, although the officers believe that it belongs to a reputed drug peddler from that area, so it was labelled as found property.
At 6 hours earlier, the GSU searched #9 Cadle's Alley, a residence belonging to 28 Louis Mervin Armstrong, and they found 19 grams of cannabis in 3 transparent plastic bags. They charged him with possession of a controlled drug because of the discovery. The GSU believes that he is a member of the Victoria Street Bloods Gang.