That happened almost at the very end of the House Meeting. Before that, PUP Representative from Toledo West Oscar Requena made a statement alleging that his colleague Edmund Castro had violated the provisions of the prevention of corruption in public life law. He said it is actionable by the DPP – and that Castro had committed a crime:
Hon. Oscar Requena - Area Representative, Toledo West
"The member has broken the law. Mr. Speaker, this is not simply wrong or merely distasteful, as the Prime Minister has characterized it. It is absolutely corrupt and illegal."
Hon. Edmond Castro - Area Representative, Belize Rural North
"I've been accused of corruption. The accusation is coming from the Opposition, the Media, the Unions and other members in the public. The allegation is not that the Board of Directors of Belize Airport Authority wrote a number of cheques in my name or on my behalf. The Belize Airport Authority was under my portfolio. It is those circumstances which, according to my critics, constitute corruption. I readily accept and admit that BAA wrote a cheque to help me to defray some of the expenses associated with the death and burial of my mother. This is no corruption, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it is not unusual for institutions in Belize and Government Departments to assist employees financially in times of disaster or personal tragedy. Although I am a minister of state, I am a poor man. Mr. Speaker, I make a take-home - you can laugh, but the fact is there. I make a take-home of approximately $2,900 per month. I also have my own family to take care of too, Mr. Speaker. The average cost of funerals in my constituency - I don't know about the other constituencies where those from the other side live - it costs approximately $4,000 to $4,500, Mr. Speaker. From what I am saying, you will readily see that neither my action, nor inaction, nor the action of the BAA is tainted in any way with corruption. Mr. Speaker, this outcry over the cheques issued by BAA on the part of the Opposition, the media, and BNTU reminds me of the righteous indignation on the part of the Scribes and the Pharisees. He that without sin among you, let him cast the first stone. I am not saying that I have not made errors as a minister of state. None of us is inflammable – infallible, hello. But I assure you Mr. Speaker, that while I cannot be guilty for making errors, I am certainly not guilty of corruption. Mr. Speaker."