Last night we told you about that terrible accident that took the life of a 3 year old girl and a 28 year old adult male. Ashley Silva was in a vehicle driven by her father Karim Silva and her mother. They were hit head on by Linbergh Tucker – who was allegedly driving drunk and in the wrong lane on the Boom Road. It has the arc and the elements of an infuriating traffic tragedy: a young life needlessly lost to a man who should not have been behind the wheel. But, it's not always that simple. Today Monica Bodden spoke to his father, Linbergh Tucker Sr, who wasn't there but has gathered information as to his son's state of mind when the accident occurred:
Lindbergh Tucker Sr. - Father of Deceased
"I went to the hopsital but I knever got to see him."
Monica Bodden
"From doing your own investigation as a father, have you been able to put together little pieces to really figure out what happened that day?"
Lindbergh Tucker Sr.
"Up to now, what I kind of understand is that he borrowed the vehicle to use for his girlfriend and him to socialize a little. He normally borrows it for the past year and a half from me. Unfortunately, she changed because she never saw her shift, so she had to work. I think he got a little mad about it, but he still went with his friend. It seems that he was socializing, and I guess he started drinking. Somehow, he got into a little altercation, and he got mad. Unfortunately, as a reaction of that and the drinking, he made his way. It is hard especially knowing that he and I had never had a good relationship, and maybe about 6 years ago to about 2 years ago, we amended our relationship. We had the true father and son relationship."
Monica Bodden
"Would you like to say something for the family who lost their loved one?"
Lindbergh Tucker Sr.
"Certainly, I would like to say that your loss is my loss. I am definitely 100% a part of you; I feel your pain. It is very unfortunate, and I pray that you are able to forgive him especially for your own benefit because that's the only way it's going to free you up. I am here, and I can only share the philosophy I grew up, and how I raised him, but unfortunately, this the way of the world. We don't know what lies ahead of us. My son, which caught in this accident, his mother, who was my wife at the time, died 11 years going for 12 years ago, and it was tremendously horrible the way she died. She was murdered; she got shot like 8 or 9 times. So, that was extremely horrific for us, and the way Linbergh died, it's kind of similar. I guess that's the way it is. He died in the operating room for about 2 to 3 hours. The dr. said that they had to cut open his stomach, take care of the internal bleeding. They were able to stop it, but he lost consciousness, and they weren't able to resuscitate him."
If Linbergh Tucker is familiar, he should be, his wife Cherry Tucker was killed in July of 2002, in a quadruple murder by Leslie Pipersburg and Patrick Robateau. Those men were not convicted of her murder.
The post mortem which was concluded this evening says Linbert Tucker broke both hands, both feet and fractured his ribs, while Ashely's skull was shattered. Reports say that the child was launched forward from the back seat into the windshield. As for tucker's state of intoxication, the test is not official as yet, but it appears, he was highly intoxicated.