What Did PM Barrow Write To Sir Manuel? |
Thu, March 20, 2014 |
"Quite generous" is how former two term Prime Minister Sir Manuel Esquivel described Prime Minister Dean Barrow's letters to him. He added that the letter had no rancor, but when asked if it suggested any reconciliation, he said, plainly, "That ship has sailed."
So that should be the end of this episode, where Sir Manuel and his wife Kathy have made a clean break with the Barrow Administration. Going forward, he is expected to continue to play some role in the UDP - however diminished.
But one commentator with some political experience feels Esquivel was major-ly disrespected. Former PUP Minister Godfrey Smith in his Flashpoint column today writes that Manuel Junior Herredia should have gone to meet Sir Manuel and his daughter Laura at Sir Manuel's house because he is the party's only statesman. Smith writes, quote, "It's not as if Sir Manuel attempted to beckon the prime minister or even a deputy prime minister; it was just the minister of tourism known by most as "Junior Heredia".
Smith concludes, "Mr. Esquivel might have outlived his usefulness to the UDP, but not to history." You can find a link to his column at 7newsbelize.com.