Central American Importers Are Up To Standards |
Fri, March 21, 2014 |
For months, we've been putting the Central American LPG importers on blast for selling sub standard butane. Last night we told you that they were now charging almost the same for LPG with a high propane content as other importers are for LPG with a far higher butane content.
Well, we are happy to report that this time we were wrong, the Central American importers have finally gotten up to standard. The Manager of TOMZA gas today came and showed us this certificate which proves that as of February 15th the Central American companies, meaning BWEL, TOMZA and Z-Gas are bringing in LPG with a 70 - 30 mix - meaning 70% propane and 30% butane. This is far more efficient for households - because the higher butane content burns hotter. In the past these companies would regularly bring in 90 - 10 mixes which are unsafe and inefficient.
They said they had until March 31st of this year to comply with the news regulations.