But the PUP isn't impressed - not with Anwar Barrow. At a catch-all press conference today, the party once again called for the Board of Management at the telephone company to rescind their decision to appoint Barrow as the Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Today, Opposition Leader, Francis Fonseca, used that platform to criticize the Prime Minister for a series of appointments of his family members to very senior posts within his Government. Here's how he explained it:
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"Anwar Barrow's appointment as chairman of the executive committee of management of BTL is the latest in a series o appointments of family members to positions of influence made by this UDP prime minister, Prime Minister Barrow since taking office in 2008 and I want to take this opportunity to remind the Belizean people about some of these appointments: Lois Young Barrow, the ex-wife of the prime minister, appointment to serve as ambassador to the United Nations and prior to that appointment Belizeans will know that she served as the primary private legal counsel to the government of Belize. Shyne Barrow, I mean no disrespect but that is the name I am aware of Jamal Shyne Barrow, the son of the prime minister appointed musical ambassador of Belize after he was deported back to Belize from the United States of America. Denys Barrow, the brother of the prime minister appointed a justice of the court of the appeal of Belize. He subsequently as you know resigned from that post and now serves as the primary private legal counsel to the government of Belize. Kimano Barrow, a nephew of the prime minister, appointed to the Public Utilities Commission. Naima Barrow, a niece of the prime minister appointed to serve on the electoral and boundaries commission and also appointed to serve on the Belize Broadcasting Authority. Leisha Barrow, another niece of the prime minister appointed to serve on the Belize Advisory Council."
"The point ladies and gentlemen is not to impugn the character of any of these family members or even to call into question their integrity, but the point we are making today and the alarm we want to sound very loudly and very clearly is that in 2014 and beyond these types of appointments of family members to positions of authority, positions of influence, this is no longer desirable, it is no longer acceptable."