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Rose Basketball Tournament Returns
Tue, April 15, 2014
For the last 8 years, the Rose International Tournament has been coming to Belize to train aspiring basketball players in the skills and techniques in the sport.

The facilitators usually accommodate several hundred young ballers, and today 7News stopped in to see how the basketball camp was going:

Cleon Hyde - President, Rose Classic International
"This is just an expansion of what I do in the States. In the States we've been doing it for 9 years and what I did was just piggy back the idea and brought it down to Belize. What we do, we do what's called an annual draft where the kids get pick to put on a team. We don't allow neighborhoods to bring their teams. What we do we have our own selection of teams and then we put these kids in the selection that's available. We've been doing it for 8 years and we've been pretty successful. A lot of kids have been with us maybe 6-7 years started out I would say standard 4 all the way up to 4th form."

Tevaun Lennon - 4th Year Participating
"It has made me gain a great experience for playing the game that I love so much."

The basketball camp continues all the way through the Easter Holiday.

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