For months, we've been reporting on the controversy surrounding the activities of US Capital Energy - which wants to drill for oil inside the Sarstoon Temash National Park.
You might have thought that there was universal opposition to the company, but it's not so clear cut and right now there is a mighty struggle for control of the political landscape of the southern villages. Tonight we'll show you 2 Alcaldes and a chairman from the buffer communities who are in support of the oil company.
We'll get to that shortly, but first, opponents of the oil company have been on a take no prisoners campaign for the past week to eject those village leaders who got too chummy with US Capital. The first leader who became a target of that agenda was Valentin Makin, the first Alcalde of Conejo Village. According to a release from the village sent by SATIIM, The charge against him is that he "betrayed his community" when he signed a letter on behalf of the entire village saying that they granted "unequivocal free, prior and informed consent for US Capital Energy Belize Ltd to continue its work and drilling on Maya Customary Lands."
We're told that the community invoked Maya Communal Law and forcibly removed him because he wasn't representing the best interest of the village. In his place, they elected Eufemio Makin, to replace him as the new First Alcalde and the new leader. Today 7News got an opportunity to speak with Valentin Makin, and he told us that the only letter he signed was for the company to upgrade their main road, which he didn't see as anything he wasn't supposed to do. He told us that he is in the process of seeking legal advice because he believes his removal from office was unlawful.
Valentin Makin - Challenging His Removal As First Alcalde
"I don't think that is wrong doing, unless I commit a crime I believe that will be correct, but what they are doing is illegal because they never told me that they were going to remove me. When I knew, they had already did it, so I don't think that they are correct. Just a while ago we met with the Prime Minister and he said that they did it illegally."
Daniel Ortiz
"The thrust of the allegation is that you didn't consult with your fellow villagers who you represent and as a result you presented a falsehood. You didn't present the opinion of the Conejo villagers when you signed that yes they agree to this road. How do you respond to that?"
Valentin Makin
"Well, as I know they elect me as an alcalde. I think that I have all authorities to sign a letter."
Joaquin Cucul - Resident, Conejo
"I want to make it clear to Mr. Alfonso Cal or Greg, this is what they like to do; any document goes on comes along they don't really give us the full information, they just want the alcalde to sign it in 1-2 minutes. That is not the way. We want further information and have consultations. I don't see why they would stop the alcalde from doing its own because they are doing their, so the alcalde has to do that. I don't think that is wrong what the alcalde has done because in our village we need the road. Our road is in bad condition. I think this is not correct."
Daniel Ortiz
"Are you fighting this removal from your office of alcalde?"
Valentin Makin
"I will fight it. I have found a lawyer to investigate how this matter is going and I have sent a letter to the Attorney General. I think they will investigate this problem."
Daniel Ortiz
"You've seen where a move has been made to remove Mr. Makin from his duly elected post as alcalde for Conejo. Are you afraid that you might be the next person they come after because of your strong support for US Capital?"
Pedro Ba - 1st Alcalde, Sunday Wood Village
"Well actually I am not afraid to say that nobody will remove me unless if I committed an offence or unless if I am doing wrong in my village. This is what the alcalde jurisdiction says: the death of an alcalde, if I dead right away, nobody can put another alcalde in my position when I die, until the Attorney General appointed another alcalde to take over my place when I die, then it's totally correct. I understand what they did to Mr. Makin is wrong."
7News has been receiving reports from multiple sources suggesting that this push to remove leaders sympathetic to US Capital is coming chiefly from Greg Ch'oc, the Executive Director of SATIIM. The premise is that he is supposedly trying to silence all those prominent members who don't side with him against US Capital.
Today, we spoke to him via telephone, and he was asked him about that allegation. Here's how he responded:
Daniel Ortiz
"There are some critics who are suggesting that he is part of a push to remove all leaders from the Mayan communities who are sympathetic to US Capital and that you as executive director of Satiim which speaks on behalf of the Mayan communities is the one who is initiating this coup. How do you respond to those who believe that this comes from you?"
Greg Ch'oc, Executive Director of SATIIM
"I had absolutely nothing to do with his removal. I wasn't even there. The community had a meeting, they deliberated, I was made to understand that the community requested the executive of the alcalde's association to be present to witness the process and I only became aware that he was remove when I got the word from the village that a decision was taken and I think the community reserve the right if anyone is undermining the unity of the community, if anyone is jeopardizing and betraying the interest of the community - the community has that right to remove that person."
"Absolutely no involvement whatsoever in removing anybody that has a different view than the majority of the community."