Canton Done At CPBL |
Fri, May 2, 2014 |
Embattled CEO of CPBL Henry Canton was allowed to resign - and he did so effective Wednesday April 30th. A release from CPBL says that "Canton tendered his resignation from the company where he has served as the CEO…since October 2002." It confirms that Canton will continue to be on the Board of Directors - and that his second in command, Chief Operations Officer Jaime Alpuche will be Acting CEO until a new CEO is appointed by the Board of Directors.
Giving no hint of any acrimony surrounding his departure, the release says quote, "on behalf of the Citrus Products of Belize, its employees and the Board of Directors, the Chairman Mr. Douglas Singh takes this opportunity to thank Dr. Canton for his years of valuable service...and looks forward to a continued working relationship with him as a member of the Board of Directors..."
And while that is a graceful end, many in the Citrus Growers Association feel that it is not a fitting end; they would have wished for Canton to be summarily dismissed, and for his successor to be someone from outside the company.