As we told you at the top of tonight's news, B(i)GYEA now has major backative for its Plant The Corn Protest on Saturday in Belize City. The collective unions and activist groups have joined with them to form a group they call the R-O-C, a sin the Rod Of Correction - and Saturday is the first time we'll see that rod unveiled.
But while the protest is one thing; the deeper issue is what BGYEA plans to do with the 29 acre buffer zone that runs between Harmonyville and the Western Highway. Government has said it must remain untouched as a buffer, but BGYEA is determined to use it to plant corn:..
Jules Vasquez
"Are you all still determine to plant corn on the road buffer?"
Nigel Petillo, President - BGYEA
"The corn has to get plant. Roads have to get build, the buffer has to be maintain, people need to eat, plant has to grow in the ground."
Giovannie Brackett, reporter
"Concerning the fact that they want to plant corn in the buffer zone area, does the ministry of agriculture have a position on that?"
Jose Alpuche, CEO - Ministry of Agriculture
"I don't think the issue of the buffer zone is one of agriculture production. As it relates to the development of the land held by the individuals on Harmonyville, of course we would be more than happy to assist them in any way to put the land into productive use. Quite frankly a tricky situation where assets not own by a particular party have been contracted out to others - that's at the end of the day the long and short of the problem at this time."
As Alpuche alluded to, Government's position is that BGYEA has entered into an arrangement Sam Patton, to cultivate corn in the buffer zone which the Lands Department has rejected.