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Rod Of Correction Movement Getting Its House In Order
Thu, July 3, 2014
Today the Rod Of Correction movement held its second meeting at the Belize National Teacher Union Headquarters. This is one month after their inaugural meeting, and not much has happened to lash the Barrow administration as they had planned to do.

And so, today's meeting was lengthy - it went right through lunch and when they came out news spokesperson Mose Hyde addressed the media:...

Mose Hyde, Spokesperson, Rod of Correction
"A lot of discussions, lots of work, lots of planning, basically trying to sort out our leadership structure and trying to set an agenda. So it was really a lot of discussion - lots of argument, shouting - sorting out stuff is a lot different organizations - trying to figure out how to be effective essentially."

Jules Vasquez
"Do you all have any direct effect actions planned to show the government where the ROC stands?"

Mose Hyde
"I think it is more important for us at this point in time to really become an effective organization and if there is anything that we can possibly share is that each organization has basically given an update and there are certain things which were brought up which were matters that we consider to be very pressing and we feel that in a short time we will have to go on record with them and establish exactly how we really feel; we will need to engage the people of Belize with these issues."

Mose Hyde
"Ultimately we have a problem with Sharon Anderson and her situation there as chief pharmacist and what is going on with that whole - the concerns of the Pharmacist Association. We have a very serious issue that COLA who we deem as being an agency and as a part of ROC acting on behalf of the people have been so frustrated with getting the evidence that they should be getting and the support that they should be getting from the commissioner of police. We believe that that's a very serious matter since the trial date is set for the 24th I think it is and the other matter which is of - those are the two big issues and my mind slips the third one - the matter of BGYEA and the land situation we think are pressing issues we will have to be definitely firm on."

"Is one of those matters on the agenda trying to get the business community on board?"

Mose Hyde
"We didn't have any discussions on dealing with the business community today."

Jules Vasquez
"Now the Prime Minister at his last press conference said that he is not at all threatened by the ROC because there are not the national issues to really galvanize and mobilize a large section of the population against his government. What's the ROC response to that?"

Mose Hyde
"Ultimately I feel that - you have many organizations that would have come together here and our convergence is not based on - we are not in the business of government removal and so if government is interested in doing right, if government is interested in correcting things which need to be corrected then I imagine there wouldn't be a problem at all with ROC. We will find sweet harmony with the government. Once it is that they share a vision that there are things that needs to be corrected."

The ROC meets again next week Thursday.

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