Hattieville Chairman Kevin Carcamo has been missing for 4 days now, and today the extensive searches to try to locate him continued.
The seismic testing company that he was working for when he went missing has stepped up their search and they are joined by the Police, the BDF, and now the Coast Guard.
But though the searchers are numerous, as time goes by, the community is losing hope of finding him alive, and so they are organizing a prayer session to implore his safe return.
One of the organizers spoke with us about it today:
Vanesha Rhaburn, Friend of Kevin Carcamo
"We call this event a "Hattieville Community Call to Prayer" because at this time we are desperate for answers about our chairman, he has been missing for 4 days. It's hard for us to believe that a man would be missing in his own terrain. We know that somebody knows something and they are not talking. At this point we have no one else to turn to but to God to help us and to speak to the persons that know what happened that day because we do not accept what is going on."
"I have no idea, but from what I've heard, they said that he was tired and he told them to go ahead and they left. But if you are supposed to cross a river and you are tired, then why would you take the crossing passage. How would that person cross the river if there is no bridge?"
"What I thought of because Mr. Carcamo is the soul bread winner - that we would collect some funds and give to her (his wife) at this time, it's costly and see if that could help her a bit."
"At 7:30 tomorrow night, we will converge at the entrance of the Sibun Road - that's just off the boulevard when you come from the police station, you will drive down or walk down and you bring your candles and we will start from there and I want to make it clear that it is a peaceful, respectful, solemn occasion and we will commence from there to the basketball court where various religious members will offer prayers and we will open the floor for members to comment and express their concerns and share encouragement and just come out together as a community."
The community event starts tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. sharp.