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BML Attorney Matura Shepherd says All This Chaos Could Have Been Avoided
Wed, August 6, 2014

So, as we outlined at the top of the news – things are returning to normal for the 41 BML workers: they're getting their jobs back – and their criminal charges will be dropped.  The Prime Minister wanted to meet with them personally today at the Biltmore to give them his assurances, but based on advice, they decided to send representative, Delroy Herrera.

Their attorney Audrey Matura Shepherd today told the media that all this could have been avoided:…

Audrey Matura-Shepherd - Attorney

"I do regret however from Monday when things clearly was out of control it was all over the media, people knew how bad the conditions were, that the higher ups did not intervene then. Yesterday Tuesday again it was a circus out at court, those people were left out there to punish them all day just waiting. There was no intervention and finally today when were to go back to court there was an intervention. I mean it's not too late but we could have avoided all that resources wasted."

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