SICA Discuss Climate Change |
Fri, August 22, 2014 |
A list of the countries most vulnerable to climate change in the whole world was recently compiled and it shows Belize at number 12, between Kiribati and Cambodia. Antigua and Barbuda is at the number one position, while St. Kitts is at #3, Bahamas is at 14, while Guyana is at 18, and Jamaica at 20.
It's relevant this week because Central American Countries are meeting in Belize under the SICA Banner to discuss climate change. The Ministry of Fisheries , Forestry and Sustainable Development is chairing those meetings and CEO Adele Catzim Sanchez told us how Belize is positioned:
Jules Vasquez
"Is Belize particularly at risk in this climate change context, when we see that we don't see any other Central American country on this table?"
Adele Catzim, CEO - Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries, Sust. Dev.
"We are particularly at risk. It doesn't mean that the other Central American countries are not, it's just that we have been very active in doing the research and presenting that in the international forum. But if you were to listen to the discussions taking place this morning you would find out that in Central America drought right now is a major issue, so they have major economic losses that have come from not having enough rain to have the crops reproduce or to produce the crops and so this is one of the huge/large regional issues that is on the table here today. Even though Belize isn't suffering or doesn't have the loss and damages from climate change in the same way that it might be experience in the other Central American countries, we still see an opportunity for us to come together to support each other."
This week's meeting of Central American climate change negotiators at the Radisson is a first.