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Saldivar Suspended By PUP!
Wed, August 27, 2014

Two weeks ago, 7News broke the story of Arthur Saldivar – and the allegation that he had taken nine hundred and four thousand dollars of his client Melonie Coye's money. Coye retained attorney Eamon Courtenay to sue Saldivar for the money. The sensational case has brought a lot of heat unto Arthur Saldivar, but also unto the PUP, for which he is a standard bearer for Belize Rural North. While Saldivar can handle his affairs in court, not so for the PUP in the court of public opinion; it has to act decisively to purge itself of any appearance of corruption. And that's not only because of the party's past record, but because of the criticism it put on the UDP for its handling of the Elvin Penner debacle – and the undercover coddling it claims the ruling party gave Penner. But, fact is, Penner was stripped as a minister, instantly and, then, after 26 more days of political hemorrhaging, made a persona non grata within the UDP.

But, 21 days after the Arthur allegation emerged – the PUP still hadn't done anything decisive to discipline Saldivar. That, to some extent is because the Saldivar case isn't as clear cut – no police report of theft has been made, and to our knowledge, no suit has been filed in court. But, in politics, appearances are everything and especially so for an opposition which wants to be elected on a platform of transparency.

And so, the matter of Arthur Saldivar went before the PUP National Executive this morning at Independence Hall. There were those who wanted him removed as a standard bearer, just as there were those who supported him. Saldivar was allowed to make a presentation in his own defence this morning – after which he huffed out puffing on a cigar, which he told us cost 50 US dollars. Our cameras were there when he went back and Jules Vasquez picks up the story from there:…

Arthur Saldivar strode into Independence Hall puffing on a cigar, one he indelicately snuffed out in front of the Belize Times door – leaving it there smoldering. Someone else had to clean that up while Saldivar was upstairs trying to clean things up for himself…but apparently he couldn't and he was back downstairs in exactly one minute – where he agreed to make a statement.

Jules Vasquez

"Okay mr. Saldivar you just came out of a meeting. What's the outcome?"

Arthur Saldivar, Suspended as Standard Bearer - BRN

"Well the outcome is of no importance at this time. Just suffice to say the people of Rural North have a champion to fight on their behalf. When it's time to talk, Jules we'll talk."

Jules Vasquez

"Sir but I heard they're meeting to ice you, to take you out."

Arthur Saldivar

"When it's time to talk Jules, we'll talk."

Jules Vasquez

"Will you remain a standard bearer sir?"

Arthur Saldivar

"When it's time to talk Jules, we'll talk."

With that he strode off into an uncertain future. And a few minutes later this was confirmed by the party leader Francis Fonseca - who interrupted the central executive meriting to address the waiting media.

Hon. Francis Fonseca, PUP Party Leader

"The People's United Party has discussed the issue of Belize Rural North and the candidacy of Mr. Arthur Saldivar our standard bearer in that area. And I want to say we had a very robust discussion and at the end of that discussion the party took the decision that Mr. Arthur Saldivar would be suspended as a candidate for the P.U.P in Belize Rural North and from all party activities pending the outcome of on ongoing investigation that the party is carrying out into the very serious allegation that has been made in respect of certain monies which a client of Mr. Saldivar says he took and has not returned to her. That investigation has been ongoing, we expect that investigation to be concluded and a report to be delivered to myself and the national executive by September 12th; And the party will then meet convene a meeting at the national executive on September 17th, at which time a final decision will be made on this matter."


"Given that you are not the police, what kind of investigation can you carry out?"

Hon. Francis Fonseca

"Well the best possible investigation, meaning that we will speak to all the relevant persons on both sides of the issue and gather any other independent information that we may be able to get our hands on."

Jules Vasquez

"Sir are you concern that they're other complaints pending with the general legal council about Mr. Saldivar's conduct as an attorney?"

Hon. Francis Fonseca

"We are concerned and the committee will be looking at some of those."

Jules Vasquez

"Is Mr. Saldivar a liability to the P.U.P?"

Hon. Francis Fonseca

"That's not a determination that we are yet prepared to make. We are going to wait the outcome of the investigation and the entire national executive of the party will make a determination on this matter and will make a final decision. So there is due process but we understand and appreciate that the Belizean people expect that we act deliberately and decisively when matters like this come up."

Jules Vasquez

"Sir but there people would argue that he was duly elected and if you all remove or suspend him you'll abrogate the will of the people of Belize Rural North."

Hon. Francis Fonseca

"Well that's always a concern. That's the balance, that's therefore the need for a proper investigation to the matter."

But, astute political observers say that the investigation is just part of a process pre-ordained to eject Arthur Saldivar as a PUP Candidate. But that is weeks away, for the time being, he has the dubious distinction of being the first elected standard bearer in memory to be suspended – it's left to be seen now whether this man who once strove to be party leader will fight it.

The party has set up a committee to handle the investigation. It comprises the party's legal advisor Anthony Sylvester, the Chairman Henry Usher, and two members of the Order of Distinguished service – and those two members cannot be from the Belize District. Again, they will report back to the National Executive before September 17th.

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