PG Mayor Complaining About SIF Too |
Fri, October 24, 2014 |
And while the mayor of Dangriga has a well-sharpened axe to grind with the Social Investment Fund - the Mayor of Punta Gorda town also threw a blow yesterday. Mayor Anthony Fuentes says that SIF refurbished his council's municipal office and administration building for nearly half a million dollars - and the building is already leaking. He explained:..
Anthony Fuentes, Mayor - Punta Gorda Town
"The amount of money $416,000 was spent and there are already some defects on that particular building in Punta Gorda Town."
Jules Vasquez
"Really, so has this been reported to SIF? Have they indicated if they can remedy it?"
Anthony Fuentes, Mayor - Punta Gorda Town
"They have one year for the defects and one year have passed already, so we are left to maintain that particular building. Yes there is more needs to be done by the Social Investment Fund to ensure that the monies invested on these buildings - we get value for money."