550 families received a Christmas food package today from the Salvation Army. Now, the Salvation Army always helps out the most needy, but this package is just something extra for the season.
According to Joliker Leandre (LEE-AND), Regional Commander of the Salvation Army, their main objective is to make people's lives a bit better, not just during Christmas time.
Michelle Sandoval, Chair lady, Salvation Army
"Right now we are doing the parcel distribution. They will received like the can foods, beans, rice, flour and so forth for each of the elderly citizens here in Belize. When the Christmas appeal started, we were asking them to come to register. They had to just bring in their ID, give their name to confirm that they are elderly citizens and need to receive their food hamper. We are not giving it to any young person of that sort. When they come they bring their tickets and they present it to us and we scratch them off the list that we have already created for them."
Joliker Leandre, Regional Commander, Salvation Army
"The need comes almost every day because you might have today and tomorrow you may not have. There are persons who may just come because fire destroyed their house, they have lost everything. There are persons who may come because they have just lost their job. So, whatever we have, whatever we can share, we are very happy to share with the general public."
These packages were also distributed on Cemetery Road and Castle Street. The Salvation Army distributes food items every month.