Crime Stats Show Murder Up By 20% in 2014 |
Tue, December 23, 2014 |
Last year the number of murders countrywide dropped to a four year low of 99 from the record of 145 set in 2012. Well, 2014 isn't finished yet, but so far the figures show that it's been much more murderous than 2013.
Official statistics compiled up to yesterday show that there have been 120 murders so far for 2014. That is compared to 99 in 2013. That puts Belize's murder rate per hundred thousand at 33.6 - which will still likely put this country in the global top ten for murder rates - except this time closer to ten than one.
Overall, major crime meaning murder, rape, robbery, burglary and theft was up. Reports of rape, robbery and theft increased while reports of burglary decreased.
And while major crime was up, overall, arrests for major crimes were down.