If you walked into the Racoon Street Police Station recently, you would have been greeted by an aesthetically transformed reception area.
That's because Eastern Division is trying to become more customer friendly – so where there was once a beat up old desk against a barren wall, now it
looks like you're stepping into some big company's corporate headquarters.
Today the Community Public Relations Coordinator told us that they want you to feel welcomed when you walk into the police station:
Douglas Hyde - Community Public Relations Coordinator
"Every person who walks in here we look at more of a customer service kind of mentality that they must come here and treated with all due respect in
terms of what they're coming here to access, which is the service from the police officer and also in terms of what they need in terms of their
assistance. What we looked at was creating a different space, we created a front desk, he also made sure we had the basic equipments that the officers
needed down here and very much important was changing the design. The design is very much important so people don't feel that they're coming to a
holding cell or a police station that has that old traditional look. We wanted to change that look and eastern devision has done that and we set now
the stage for the other precincts. So that first look when the person walk in can feel more relaxed and more comforted when they step in there for any
Daniel Ortiz
"You guys plan to do this at other precincts in Belize City?"
Douglas Hyde
"We are already looking at that, we're already making measures already and changed in terms of addressing the other precincts."
Daniel Ortiz
"Are you able to give us what this costed you all to make the upgrade and changes to this area here?"
Douglas Hyde
"We roughly spent almost 6 thousand in terms of making the equipment readily avaliable and we're still making some adjustments like wise. We want the
general public to know that coming in here first of January, 2015, there will see a different atmosphere here at eastern division and very importantly
they will meet different people who are more professional in addressing their concerns and needs and also seeing that these police officers or persons
working the front desk with be very equiped in addressing their concerns."
Daniel Ortiz
"Have you guys noticed a difference in the response from the public when they walk in here since you guys have made this change?"
Douglas Hyde
"Since today, I have seen roughly 15 to 20 persons and the walk ins from the general public they have shared their feedback, which is wow, is this a
police station now?"
Hyde says that there are plans to make similar changes to the other precincts.