NTUCB Sticking By BSCFA, Calls For Unity In A Time Of Division |
Thu, January 15, 2015 |
And at today's press conference, the National Trade Union Congress held its ground as well. The vice president said they are duty bound to get involved:..
Marvin Mora, 2nd VP - NTUCB
"This is a matter that will have tremendous effect over the economy of our country and we represent the workers of this country and their best interest. So, we have absolutely no option but to come in defence of the farmers, with moral support, with whatever knowledge we can garnered amongst our members to help them in their plight. In this case, the strength of the cane farmers is in two things; one, their cane and the other, their ability to stay united in the fight. This is our cane, this is Belize's cane and this is the industry of the Belizeans. If we allow a multinational company to come and bully-rag the system, to try to put it in their favor, we run the risks of losing control over the industry and that it would benefit other people and not this nation."