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Cold Blooded Ladyville Killing
Mon, February 16, 2015
Tonight, Ladyville police are investigating an execution style murder that happened in that village on Saturday night. It was staged in an open lot between the Japan area - which is home to certain Belize City gang elements - and the Lake Garden area - which is an upwardly mobile residential community. Denver Jones met his end between those two worlds. 7News was there on Saturday night and Daniel Ortiz reports:..

Daniel Ortiz reporting
At about 9:30 on Saturday night, 29 year old Denver Jones parked his Geo Prizm at a cut off on Marage Road.

He left 3 teenaged males - all minors - inside the car and walked in about a hundred feet - he told them he was going to buy weed.

But, inside the bushy area under the cover of tall grass, there would be no weed transaction, he was killed here in cold blood - with a single gunshot to the head:

Supt. Hilberto Romero, OC - CIB - Belize City
"Police visited an area off Marage road, a road leading into the Lake Garden area, where they saw the lifeless body of Denver Jones, 29 years old, with a gunshot wound to the head, apparently dead. Investigation revealed so far that he went to the area in a car, and he went into the road where he was found, which is a dark area and later on his body was found there. He was in the car there were three other persons that went with him to that particular area. We have no motive at this time. He went through that area saying he was going to drop off some money for someone and he went by himself and thereafter his body was found in that area."

The boys in the car told police they didn't hear anything - and only went to check on him after he didn't come back. That's not something his family are able to accept so casually. They that the young men must have heard something, since a gunshot isn't normally quiet.

But for them, that's an aside, their loved one was killed, and there is no undoing that.

Daniel Ortiz
"It sounds as though you still don't believe it at this time."

Voice of: Deidra Rivers - Sister of Deceased
"I still wish somebody would have told me that it was a dream. I wish it was a dream. He was my only brother, no outside sister, no outside brother. We are the only two for my mother."

Daniel Ortiz
"Talk to us about his personality and what are some of the things - I know you mentioned that he had this smile that would..."

Voice of: Deidra Rivers - Sister of Deceased
"He had a smile that he just - he knows when he gives that smile, he gets us weak. He was just a jovial person. He likes to play and I will always remember him, because, if my mom would be upset with us for anything, he would be the one that would get her to - he would do something to let her think different."

Daniel Ortiz
"This is one of the questions we don't like asking family members at this time, because it's hard, but we must ask. Did he had any enemies? Did he had any kind of associations or affiliations with people who would want to take his life?"

Voice of: Deidra Rivers - Sister of Deceased
"You have enemies even who don't know. People hate you for nothing. My brother was not someone who talks much. Last year when he told me that they were threating his life - I was shocked that he even said that. When I was on Facebook last night, a young lady comment under the news and puts "laughing out loud (lol)." When I saw the message I couldn't believe. Something like that I wouldn't tell to my worst enemy. What is so funny about that? I don't need any revenge from no one. Their conscience will be their guide. Because nothing that they do, could ever give me back my brother. They could find who did it or don't find anyone at all - I could care less. They can't hurt him anymore."

Presently no one is detained.

Denver Jones Jr. leaves behind 2 children, aged 5 and 6. And while our police sources say that he told the minors that he was with that he was going to buy weed, his family believe differently. They concede that he did smoke, but they have another theory of how he was killed. They say that he may have been lured to his death, because, according to them, he received a text messages from a girl who asked him to give her a ride home.

Deidra Rivers, his sister, also told us that he received threats some time ago.

Jones lived between Ladyville with his cousins, and his mother in Hattieville.

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