The community of San Pedro continues to be outraged at senseless murder of the 2 year-old toddler Daniel Espat, who was killed in his bed as he lay
beside his mother and father. Well, police aren't making much headway, and so, they're appealing to the community, especially residents of the San
Pedrito area, to come forward and give them information.
Commanding Officer Luis Castellanos told us this evening, that the investigation is somewhat stalled because they have no leads. So, San Pedro Police
has a community meeting scheduled tomorrow in which the residents are being invited to come out and voice their opinions. Castellanos is hoping that
the meeting is a step in the right direction to restore the public confidence in the police so that information about this and other open murder
investigations can move forward with the help of informants within the community.
As we reported, the two year old baby Daniel, was sleeping with his father, Rolando Espat Sr., and his mother, Aleyda Sandoval in their apartment in
the San Pedrito area yesterday at around 2 a.m. That's when someone sprayed the house with bullets which penetrated the door and the walls. Baby Daniel
was hit twice in the head, and he was pronounced dead on arrival at the San Pedro Poly Clinic. His mother, Aleyda Sandoval was hit in left elbow, and
the bullet traveled up to her shoulder. She's receiving medical treatment at the KHMH.
With the death of Baby Daniel, Rolando Espat Sr. has lost 4 sons, one nephew, and a brother in law to violence, 5 of them to gun violence. Police
believe it is the result of a drug war on the island between two rival crews battling for control and possession of drugs that float up on the north
end of ambergris Caye.