SSB Board OF Directors Meets (Finally) |
Fri, February 27, 2015 |
And we also got to ask Doug Singh about his other job, as chairman of the social security board. As we've been reporting, the Board of Directors had been unable to meet because the unions were boycotting meeting after government rejected their board appointee. That's because he is the General Secretary of the Christian Workers Union which represents Social Security Workers. Well, that difference has been put aside, but maybe only for the time being. The board met yesterday and Singh told us how it was done:..
Doug Singh, Chairman - SSB
"This is my understanding that they have issue a new letter to the Prime Minister requesting the appointment of Ms. Emily Turner and Mr. Tate and the substantive director and Mr. Floyd Neal as the alternative director. So they have shifted it and they've put a caveat in there that, that will be for as long as the collective bargaining agreement is being negotiated. I would imagine that that means that, after the completion of the negotiation of the collective bargaining agreement that, they would expect that they would then change their recommendation and have them be a substantive member. That recommendation still goes against the principle that the board is advocating. The board believes that representation on its board should not be allowed for anyone that represents the union, so whether he is an ultimate capacity or whether he will be after the collective bargaining agreement, it would still be in conflict."
Singh says they did discuss union related matters at yesterday's meeting and both union representatives abstained on the vote.