Since April second, the dispute in the National Trade Union Congress of Belize has been playing out on the public stage. It's all because Labour Senator Ray Davis abstained in the vote on the Petrocaribe Loan Motion on March 30th. The Trade Union Congress opposes the bill - and wanted him to vote against it. But they never told him that - and the dispute over whether he should have known better continues. If you ask Trade Union Second Vice President Audrey Matura Shepherd, it's a black and white issue - but Jules Vasquez found many shades of grey in the documents he's seen:..
Audrey Matura-Shepherd, 2nd Vice President - NTUCB
"I had objected before, on how he voted on the cane issue and how he voted before on the Petrocaribe money."
Jules Vasquez reporting
Indeed she had - in this November 2014 letter Matura asked how it is that Senator Davis voted yes on the first Petrocaribe loan motion. She said, quote, "in a matter of such great importance we the members of the Trade Union Congress should have a say. So can I please be enlightened as to who come it is that our Senator voted yes and who gave that mandate?"
In response, Senator Davis asked for guidance, he says "I will be more than pleased to have a subcommittee we spoke about at the start of my tenure." End quote. He adds that the chamber has meetings with its Senator before meetings and they have solid legal input. He says Matura Shepherd would be welcome to energize such a committee. No committee was ever set up. That was his idea in November, but on Wednesday, Matura said it was her's:
Audrey Matura-Shepherd, 2nd Vice President - NTUCB
"And so I was one of the persons who suggested that clearly before my time there had to be a process in place but I was not satisfied with the process if there was one. Because parallel to what I know, the chamber of commerce does, where Senator Lizarraga has a court team that advises them immediately."
Immediate is just the response that Trade Union Congress Secretary Kathleen Flowers begged for when the bill went out.
She called out the trade union to act directly and immediately, castigating them for quote, "wilfull passivity and lack of response." Still no meeting was held and no directive given to the Senator. Nonetheless, Matura-Shepherd insists no instructions were needed:
Audrey Matura-Shepherd, 2nd Vice President - NTUCB
"Mr. Davis, if he wants to be honest, can reveal to you all the paper that he read when the Petrocaribe loan money issue came up. The position was clear, what he took. The position he stated then was clearly against the Petrocaribe loan money, how it is being spent etc."
But, actually, the position Senator Davis is not against Petrocaribe - as he told Matura in that same November letter after voting "yes" to the first Petrocaribe loan motion, "I am not going to play Pontius Pilate and pretend that we were not a party to receiving the funds" and he points to the Petrocaribe funded loans from the National Bank loaned to teachers and public officers.
But Matura-Shepherd seems to hold that receiving Petrocaribe funds is one thing, but saying no to the bill is non negotiable and axiomatic:
Audrey Matura-Shepherd, 2nd Vice President - NTUCB
"It still comes down to common-sense. Think about it. You already know what is the unions position, you mean you literally need the president to say 'hey boy Ray, please remember we aren't down with the Petrocaribe thing because it lacks accountability'. You really mean that if that is the level we have to go then he deserves to be moved from there."
So now, it comes to whether Davis will resign, be removed or retain the Senatorial seat for Labour. There's nothing to suggest he will resign, and it's not clear how he can be removed since he likely retains the support of the PSU. Days to come will tell if he can retain the seat - and former PSU president Jackie Willoughby - who is abroad studying - has vowed to return home to put up a fight - against Audrey Matura Shepherd in his defence.