On Tuesday the PUP voted to send a team to Dangriga to assess whether they would contest the bye-election in that southern constituency. But the July eighth election is just 25 days away - and still, the assessment hasn't been finalized. Yet, we are told that the assessment isn't just a stalling technique, those who are involved tell us it is serious and active - as meetings are being held right now, actually.
But, no date has been set for this assessment to be concluded, and nomination day is on June 22 - which is just ten days away. If the PUP sits this one out - and no other independent challenger appears - only one person, the UDP's Frank Pawpa Mena would be nominated. In that case, no bye-election will be held - and the sole nominee would become the representative. If not altogether dark, that would surely be a weird day for democracy - but the brain trust and the bank of the PUP - holds the concerted opinion that contesting will cost them money they don't have - and will accomplish very little in shifting the balance of power one way or the other.
Of course, institutional reflex dictates that the "grand old party" can't just sit out a major election - but informed sources tell us that the way it's looking right now, they just might.