Four new ambassadors were sworn in on Monday in Belmopan. They include the new Ambassadors from Guatemala, Manuel Roldan and Oren Bar El of Israel.
These two countries have a long history together – and, most notoriously, Israel provided arms – the famous Galil machine guns - to the Guatemalan
government during its genocidal civil war. In fact, Israel became Guatemala's main arms supplier when the United States refused to do so in the late
70's. Those same weapons were used for sabre rattling along the Belize border. History tells us that a huge shipment of Israeli weaponry bound for
Guatemala was seized in Barbados in the late 70's.
But now Israel has normalised relations with all of Central America – including Belize – and today we asked the news Ambassador what is their strategic
Orel Bar El - Israeli Ambassador to Belize
"Traditionally speaking our priorities are mainly the cooperation and establishing good friendship. We don't have high economic or commercial interest
- although I think it's important to try to develop economic ties."
Jules Vasquez
"Belize supported the recognition of the Palestinian state at the United Nation. I know this had to pain Israel greatly. Has this affected relations
between Belize and Israel? How do you all see it?"
Orel Bar El
"The relationship between Belize and Israel are strong and solid and can support such disagreement."
Jules Vasquez
"Belize is a country which has a territorial claim upon it - Guatemala has what we are certain is an unfounded claim upon Belize. It is our state that
is very important to us and the recognition of this state. Where does Israel stand in this territorial dispute?"
Orel Bar El
"I might say since it's my first visit in Belize and I'm not specialist in the dispute, I can only come and say from my own experience. Sometimes
foreigners think that they know what is right and what is wrong but in the end the locals know better than anybody else. I believe that the Guatemalan
government and the Belizean government know better than us than Israelis what is the main way to reach a practical solution."
Jules Vasquez
"I ask specifically because of the history between Guatemala and Israel - which they are affinities in that history and they're alliances in that
history which Belize and Israel do not share; perhaps looking at history one would conclude that Israel has a preference for Guatemala over Belize.
Because they're some shared history between Guatemala and Israel."
Orel Bar El
"There is a shared history and we are very proud of our friendship with Guatemala but I don't see it as something that may compromise our commitments
to Belize. Israel is not part of this dispute. On the contrary from our own history we know that if you have too many cookers in the kitchen it doesn't
go very well. You should leave the people who are the local ones, they know much better than international expert ."
Bar – El is based in El Salvador – and those wanting to participate in the Israel's Agricultural technology programs can go to their website to find
out more.