Earlier, you saw how the Prime Minister didn't have anymore to say on the Edmond Castro matter - but he did have quite a bit to say about the Catholic Church's rejection of the Petrocaribe legislation. As we have reported, the church sent out an unusual press release this weekend saying that while Senator Father Noel Leslie had voted in favour of Petrocaribe - the Catholic Church didn't support it. That's a major diss for the Barrow government - but yesterday the Prime Minister said that's not at all how it went down when he met with the council of churches to go over the legislation:..
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"At the meeting that I held with the Council of Churches and the Evangelical Association. Pastor Longsworth was there for the Evangelicals, Bishop Phillip Wright, Rev. Papaloute, Bishop Glancy and Father Leslie for the Council of Churches. We went through the original Petrocaribe act and we went through the amendments which I had provided. Father Leslie volunteered without any prompting from any of the others - volunteered his satisfaction with the amendments. Made clear that he always supported the Petrocaribe program, but that he had had clearly his reservations about the original act. Said that with the amendments in his own mind, it had all been clarified and he would therefore be happy to vote for the amendments at the next session. I ask him "Father, do I have you leave to say this" and I think I might have told you about this on camera - "Do I have your leave to say this when I talk to the other social partners," because I knew that there was going to be certainly a meeting with the NTUCB and he said 'please, by all means do so, because I am satisfied and that's how I am going to vote.' I was therefore a little taken aback, not that he was reversing course, but that he should say that from the start, he was not personally in favor of the amendments, but had determined to vote yes only because that was the wish of the other church people that were there."
"Again, because Bishop Glancy was present, Bishop Glancy didn't say anything, but I naturally felt that Father Leslie's position had the support certainly of Bishop Glancy. My suspicion is that Bishop Dorick Wright who clearly is still overall in charged and who has his own circle of advisors. Ultimately, we did after representations were made. We knew that the PUP was very upset with Father Leslie's vote and I suspect that that what produce the about fate. I do know that the Council of Churches is a calling a meeting on Friday. Because I went back over what had happened with other persons that were there, just in case my recollection was faulty and of course it was confirmed that it happened exactly the way I describe it to you. So, I believe there will be some sorting out to be done."
Jules Vasquez
"Is this a sort of showdown between the Catholic faith - do said you don't want to ruffle the affairs, but is this a sort of showdown between the Catholic faith who is withdrawing its moral authority from this important government program?"
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"I don't think so. I wouldn't go that far. It's difficult for me to distinguish between Bishop Wright's personal position or the position that he's been persuaded to adopt by his advisors."
Jules Vasquez
"Is Bishop Wright being handle? That seems to be your suggestion."
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"Well then if you got the impression that I am making that suggestion. Let me clarify that I am not. I know that he has advisors as we all do."
The Prime Minister also told us that the Papal Nunce had a meeting with him and both Catholic Bishops some months ago.