Why did PUP National Campaign Manager Godfrey Smith leave his post – and who will replace him? Those are the burning questions for PUP Leader Francis
Fonseca and Smith himself right now – but none of them are giving interviews. So, into the breech steps political commentator Steven Okeke. He's
written two books on politics in Belize – and three weeks ago – he penned an essay on why the PUP need to look to Cordel Hyde as a possible leader.
Yesterday in an extended interview, he told us why he feels the PUP attack on Petro-tacos and other cheer giveways was misconceived:
Steven Okeke - Political Commentator
"Their views on issues are liturgical and extensively retaliatory. They seem to dislike some people. When I saw senator Lisa Shoman belabour the poor
people going to Corozal that Patrick Faber sent the poor people to Corozal because they're so much things to do. I could call Dangriga election
Jules Vasquez
"And why is that?"
Steven Okeke - Political Commentator
"Because you don't know what you're talking about. Why would I vote for somebody who is saying that if they will, this more crumb - that the government
would be taking from me, why on earth would I vote for you? For what!? And you're saying that this money than can be accounted for, that these people
were given a break. The kind of social tourism, the kind of inter program tourism to give them a break from this ankling where there is so much
friction - that the government did wrong, that they should have not been giving; that is so mean spirited. Why would you vote for such a person, that's
why I'm saying either something has gone wrong terribly somewhere or they don't understand modern politics or somebody is deliberately inside the party
trying to kill the party – while kissing it softly. Let me be clear, I'm not trying to help the PUP to win, if at all I'm trying to help the Belizean
people to have a reasonable position that keeps the government in check and to help the government to have a viable contender or a veritable opponent
with with whom to spar – in this case, there doesn't seem to be any."
And so while Okeke says he only wants to help the Opposition, we're very sure they don't feel the same way – especially not when he's saying their
leader should be relieved of his post. But, Okeke says there are options for Francis Fonseca if the PUP want to keep him around – but it will require
Steven Okeke - Political Commentator
"So the options I see support the leader. give him the support or reorganise the leadership completely. Step aside some of the members in the
leadership roll - some of the prefects, deputies, step on aside, reorganise the party while retaining the leader. Or you step the leader aside and the
entire leadership and make a drastic reorganisation that could cause a lot of internal disquiet - but quickly bring the party back to a vibrant one. If
not, they run the risk of going into the next election, because I predicted the Dangriga elections. But they run the risk of going into the general
election and expose their representative, their standard bearers to such loses that would damage the political career as he did for the city council.
If you lose by 100, you lose by 20, you lose by 50 - when you begin to lose by 600 and 1,000 and 2,000 I don't think we should be spending or wasting
time listening to you."
We understand for our sources that one of the disagreements between Fonseca and Campaign Manager Smith was Fonseca's indifference in dealing with an
advisory group that had been set up for him