On Friday, five armed men robbed the First Caribbean Bank's northside City Branch - and tonight police charged the 5 men who they believe are the culprits.
They are 22-year-old Patrick Jones, 33-year-old Jermaine Belgrave, 30-year-old Jareth Crawford, 32 year-old Erwin Castillo and 24-year-old Emerson Skyers, and they have been charged with conspiracy to commit robbery. Everyone except Erwin Castillo was additionally charged with the crime of robbery. All five have been remanded to prison.
As we told you, the robbery happened just before 9:00 a.m. on Friday at the san Cas Plaza - in the thick of the payday rush, and the robbers first right in - they dressed like ordinary civilians to get inside without raising any suspicion. Their faces were caught on the bank's surveillance cameras, and that will be a key piece of evidence when they actually face trial.
Today, the officer commanding the Police Precinct 4 in Belize City, told us what led to the arrests:
Supt. Linden Flowers, OC, Police Precinct 4
"Currently persons have been arrested. This include the group of persons that have been picked up since Friday morning. They have been arrested and all charged for the crime of robbery."
Daniel Ortiz
"Talk to us about the reasons you guys have brought the charges of robbery and the evidence you have, whatever you can release to us?"
Supt. Linden Flowers
"These charges is an a result of the intensive investigation that was conducted after the robbery, which included the reviewing of the video footage in and outside of the bank as well as eye witness reports that we have received. We have picked up the persons and charged them for robbery."
Daniel Ortiz
"Has the investigations revealed why these individuals did not attempt to hide their faces from the cameras which more than likely which have been in the bank. We are told that its because they wanted to masquerade as ordinary customers who are there to do legitimate business."
Supt. Linden Flowers
"That is a point of view yes, that they wanted to pass off at least getting into the bank as legitimate customers."
Daniel Ortiz
"Sir, is there any indication or any leads looked into that this might be - they might have inside connections to assist them in trying to successfully carry this robbery out and not be investigated or prosecuted for it?"
Supt. Linden Flowers
"There is no indication from any standpoints that I have at this time that is inside connected in any way. The investigation is still ongoing and we are doing some additional traces to see where ot leads us and certainly if that is brought to light or any evidential value to that - the matter be dealt with."
Jones, Belgrave, Crawford, Skyers and Castillo were all arraigned before the newly appointed Magistrate, Debby Rogers, and they pleaded not guilty. Because of the nature of the offences, they were ineligible for bail, and they were remanded to prison until September 30
Of note is that Jermaine Belgrave was recently acquitted of murder in March 2015. He was on remand since 2010. Emerson Skyers was featured in our newscast in December of last year, when he was acquitted of the offense of professing to be the member of a criminal gang.
Unlike the first Caribbean robbery of 2012 - in this case so far police have not recovered any of the stolen money.